
   Things are starting to get busy here at the ranch as everyone keeps coming and going and moving things around.  Each year there is a trial put on where dogs and people compete with each other.

   Of course, it is us goats and the sheep that have the real work - all day long we are moved, chased, and herded.  Luckily, I am officially retired and am in spectator mode.  The benefits of age finally are paying off! 

   The young uns' like it.  They have a secret pact to be as uncooperative as possible and do their best to escape, confuse the dogs, and frustrate the owners.  All good goats understand the secret joy in this!

   I got to say, don't miss it a bit.  Run boys run!  Hope to see you there in the spectator section.

   It's my first entry on my new blog.  I thought retirement was supposed to mean no more work?  Well, I guess it won't be too hard to give you a window into what goes on here at my home. 

   Today Geri and a lot of others are running around doing something that looks like the old days when dogs would chase me around and the people would just let it keep happening.  Some dogs are okay, others..well let's just say I don't miss those days!

   Rumor amongst us goats is that one of those events is up and coming where a lot of people and even more dogs show up and we spend all day getting chased.  I think you can learn more here.

   That's enough paying attention for one day.  It's time to go find me some hay!

    Grandma Goat

    I'm now known as "Grandma" here at the ranch.  I see all.  I hear all. And most importantly, I eat all.  If you do something well, why fight it?


    May 2013

